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  • 50 Shades of grey????

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    I was pondering whilst wondering if I should make a dash to see 50 shades at the cinema, about the title 50 shades of grey and got to wondering if we indeed have 50 shades of grey in stock???  Worrying the way my mind wanders? – yes maybe but then I got to thinking the way we describe grey….Silver grey, grey, slate grey, charcoal grey, muted grey, soft grey, taupe grey…..and so it goes on!

    I used not to be a fan of grey at all, but as I mature I have gone from a stance of “I hate grey”, to its really rather good?

    What promted that change I wonder?  I can pin it down to an odd conversation with an old boss of mine, who was very pleased with himself, having purchased a company car for me….He said I would love it, an Audi 80 – only a few months old, very nice inside etc etc….he asked what colour I would like?  My reply?  Anything as long as it’s not grey was my response……the phone went a little quiet….I asked what colour was the car?…..”Dark Silver” came the reply! You guessed it – it was well and truely grey!

    However, what Arnie the Audi ( as he became known) taught me, was the great was a very useful colour!  It never showed the dirt, always looked classy and was always smart and never provoked the comment – isn’t that colour disgusting!!  Something I have learnt to use in my clothes and the same is true…..so as long as you pick the right grey for your skin tone, you can rely on looking always classy and smart and you will not have to worry about someone elses opinion of the colour and withthe bonus that it never shows the dirt!